
AQUA-CONTACT Praha, v.o.s. features a broad portfolio composed of calculations and intensifications of wastewater treatment plants, water purification plants' designs and other engineering work.

Prague Central WWTP – feasibility study: PCWWTP – realization of project steps necessary for fulfillment of Government Degree No. 61/2003
1 600 000 PE
Prague Central WWTP – Option analysis for JASPERS: PCWWTP – total reconstruction a intensification
1 600 000 PE
Prague Central WWTP – feasibility study: PCWWTP – Evaluation of the existing water line
1 600 000 PE
WWTP Běchovice – pilot-plant testing of biological MBBR reactor for post-treatment od wastewaters
2 550 PE
WWTP Nebušice – biological stage maximum
2 500 PE
Prague Central WWTP – feasibility study: PCWWTP – Reactor for sludge water manipulation
1 600 000 PE
WWTP Znojmo – optimization design of plant performance and technological calculation of biological SBR system
99 000 PE
WWTP Jilemnice – technology design calculation of activated sludge system with purpose of performance optimization and process nitrification stabilization
28 850 PE
WWTP Nebušice – optimization of biological line performance including mathematical model development
2 500 PE
WWTP Litoměřice – technology design calculation of biological stage intensification
60 000 PE
WWTP Běchovice – evaluation of present performance and project optimization design of mechanical-biological line, intensification design
3 500 PE
WWTP of Opava Sugar refinery - technology design calculation of biological stage intensification
17 000 PE
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) – supervision of the biological stage operation treating wastewater from animal products process
40 000 PE
Prague Central WWTP – revision of design parameters for PCWWTP intensification
1 600 000 PE
UNIPETROL RPA – design of MBBR bioreactor for phenol elimination from soil and water remediation (capacity: 300 m3/d).
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) – supervision of the biological stage operation treating wastewater from animal products process
40 000 PE
WWTP of Klaster Hradiste nad Jizerou Brewery – design of optimum solution and technological calculation of biological stage realized in existing reactors of the WWTP
16 300 PE
WWTP KOVOSROT GROUP – pollution monitoring and technological design of variant solution for polluted rain waters from the landfill area.
WWTP Kladno – Vrapice – Technology design calculation of biological stage intensification situated in existing
69 752 PE
WWTP Kadaň – Královský vrch –Technology design of reconstruction and calculation of SBR
600 PE
WWTP DEZA Valašské Meziříčí - Technology design of mechanical and biological stage intensification
12 800 PE
WWTP of Opava Sugar refinery - supervision and evaluation of the WWTP operation during campaign 2011
12 500 PE
WWTP Sokolov – technological calculation and evaluation of a possibility to connect WW from MOMENTIVE factory
33 000 PE
WWTP Hamé Babice - Technology design of biological stage intensification
23 200 PE
Reconstruction of Ostrava Central WWTP – technological calculation of biological stage for prospective loading parameters in 2030: a boost of flexibility and nitrification
403 257 PE
WWTP Kladno – Vrapice – Technology design of biological stage reconstruction and intensification
69 752 PE
WWTP Hughes & Sons Ltd. Jerusalem Farm (England) – activated sludge process optimization
54 667 PE
Prague Central WWTP - calibration of mathematical model and technological calculations of activated sludge process in order to the biological line operation be optimized for spring, summer, autumn and winter process scenario
1 500 000 PE
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) – supervision of the biological stage operation treating wastewater from animal products process
40 000 PE
WWTP Roztoky – Technology design of biological stage intensification
33 300 PE
WWTP of Opava Sugar refinery - supervision and evaluation of the WWTP operation during campaign 2010
12 500 PE
CEI – development of SW product for calculation of sludge production from WWTPs
ASAVET Biřkov WWTP - supervision of operation of rendering wastewater treatment plant
23 333 PE
WWTP Litoměřice - Technology design of biological stage intenzification: variants with carrousel process and pre-anaerobic zone
70 000 PE
UNIPETROL RPA - elaboration of study "Oxygen consolidation in the Bílina river", river biokinetic mathematical model development for simulation of oxygen conditions in the water body during different operational scenarios, measures strategy proposal.
Reconstruction of Ostrava Central WWTP - revision of the biological stage proposal based on current loading and technological design optimization
403 257 PE
WWTP Liberec - technology recalculation of the biological stage from the point of view of process optimization
190 333 PE
WWTP Most - Chánov - evaluation of maximum
62 767 PE
Prague Central WWTP - calibraion of mathematical model and technological calculations of activated sludge process in order to the biological line operation be optimised for spring, summer, autumn and winter process scenario
1 500 000 PE
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) ? supervision of the biological stage operation treating wastewater from animal products process
40 000 PE
Agricultural distillery Trmice PLP, a.s. - optimization design of wastewater treatment in corrletion with
160 000 PE
WWTP Dobrá Voda HBSW, a.s. Byňov ? Technology design of wastewater treatment from beverage company
6 000 PE
WWTP of Opava Suger refinery - supervision and evaluation of the WWTP operation during campaign 2009
12 500 PE
ASAVET Biřkov WWTP - supervision of operation of rendering wastewater treatment plant
23 333 PE
WWTP Žilina (SK) - intenzification, evaluation and technological calculations of the biological line for the activated sludge process optimization
220 000 PE
Reconstruction of Ostrava Central WWTP - technological re-calculation of biological stage
403 257 PE
Prague Central WWTP - calibraion of mathematical model and technological calculations of activated sludge process in order to the biological line operation be optimised for spring, summer, autumn and winter process scenario
1 500 000 PE
Biocel Paskov WWTP - consultations to optimization of the plant intenzification
550 000 PE
UNIPETROL RPA - elaboration of study "Oxygen consolidation in the Bílina river", river monitoring realization along 8 km of the river-basin, river biokinetic mathematical model development for simulation of oxygen conditions in the water body during different operational scenarios.
Kladno - Vrapice WWTP - technological calculation of biological stage for the purpose of the activated sludge system intensification
63 000 PE
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) - supervision and technological design of biological stage treating wastewater from animal products process
40 000 PE
WWTP Hodomezovasarhely (Hungary) - supervision and technological consultancy during the start-up period of WWTP "UNITANK 3rd. generation" system
20 000 PE
WWTP of Sugar refinery and distillery Dobrovice - supervision and technological consultations of WWTP operation during campaign 2008
372 000 PE
Vinoř WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
21 000 PE
Libčice WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
3 000 PE
WWTP of Opava Suger refinery - supervision and evaluation of the WWTP operation during campaign 2008
12 500 PE
ASAVET Biřkov WWTP - supervision of operation of rendering wastewater treatment plant
23 333 PE
Olomouc WWTP - supervision and pilot paint evaulation
260 000 PE
Ostrava Central WWTP - technological calculations of operation optimisation and calculation of oxygen and air demand
638 850 PE
Biocel Paskov WWTP - laboratory testing of biological wastewater treatment and consultations when WWTP intensification optimizing
550 000 PE
Prague Central WWTP - calibraion of mathematical model and technological calculations of activated sludge process in order to the biological line operation be optimised for spring, summer, autumn and winter process scenario
1 500 000 PE
Litoměřice WWTP - technological calculation of biological stage in order to the operation be optimised and the activated sludge system be intensified
70 000 PE
SPOLCHEMIE WWTP - technological calculation of industrial wastewater treatment in the biological stage in order to the activated sludge system be optimised
38 357 PE
Glenfarm WWTP (Northern Ireland) - supervision and technological calculation of biological stage of treatment of wastewater from animal products process in order to the activated sludge system be optimised
40 000 PE
Karlovy Vary airport - conception proposal of landig grounds and technics defreezing and de-icing and technological calculations of treatment of contaminated water from airport area.
WWTP of Sugar refinery and distillery Dobrovice - supervision and technological consultations of WWTP operation during campaign 2007
372 000 PE
Tábor WWTP - technological calculation of WWTP for intensification and strengthening of activated sludge system
70 000 PE
TANEX Vladislav WWTP - technological calculation of biological stage of treatment plant of industrial wastewater from glue production and leather process in order to the activated sludge system be optimised
19 500 PE
Sokolov WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
33 000 PE
Třeboň WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
13 000 PE
Uhříněves WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
16 000 PE
Broumov WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
25 000 PE
Vrchlabí WWTP - assessment of intensification design
14 000 PE
Dobříš WWTP - intensification design and technological calculations
13 000 PE
Lomnice nad Popelkou WWTP - technological calculation of activated sludge system functionality
20 000 PE
Železný Brod WWTP - technological calculation of activated sludge system functionality
7 567 PE
WWTP of Opava Suger refinery - supervision and evaluation of the WWTP operation during campaign 2007
12 500 PE
Nejdek WWTP - technological calculation of possible treatment variations for town agglomeration and industrial zones wastewater
13 500 PE
WWTP of Holešov industrial zone - investment planning of industrial zone, processed for the CzechInvest Agency
45 543 PE
Odolena Voda WWTP - technological calculation of maximum
6 533 PE
ASAVET Biřkov WWTP - supervision of operation of rendering wastewater treatment plant
23 333 PE
ASAP Věž WWTP - supervision of operation of rendering wastewater treatment plant
30 000 PE
Hostivice WWTP - supervision of WWTP operation and consultaions on town agglomeration wastewater treatment
11 217 PE
Horoměřice WWTP - technological report on activated sludge system functionality
3 900 PE
Olomouc WWTP - Supervision and optimalization of WWTP testing operation
260 000 PE
Prague Central WWTP - Mathematical model calibration and activated sludge process calculations for optimalization of biological line operational conditions at spring, summer, autumn and winter operation
1 500 000 PE
IVAX Opava WWTP - Technological design of WWTP intenzification for pharmaceutical industry wastewater treatment
75 500 PE
Dobrovice sugary refinery WWTP - Operation supervision and technological design of WWTP operation optimalization during the 2006 campaign
372 000 PE
Tábor-Klokoty WWTP - Technological design of deep shaft water line modifications: operational data interpretation and calculations of mechanical - biological stage
30 000 PE
Opava sugar refinery WWTP - WWTP operation supervision during the 2006 campaign
12 500 PE
Draslovka Kolín WWTP - Wastewater biological treatment design for wastewater with cyanide and aniline high content (capacity 200 m3/d)
Hostivice WWTP - Monitoring of existing WWTP load with respect to load development prediction for The 2nd phase of WWTP intensification
10 000 PE
Lány WWTP - Technological desing of wastewater biological treatment intensification
3 500 PE
VLNAP Nejdek WWTP - Technological calculation of selected variants of WWTP biological line intensification solutions
4 000 PE
Uhříněves - Dubeč WWTP - the technological design of the biological wastewater treatment intensification
15 000 PE
Chemopetrol, a.s. Litvínov - biological wastewater treatment plants - the study of the technological equipment reconstruction
247 834 PE
Kolín WWTP - the technological design of the mechanical-biological line and the activated sludge management modifications
44 293 PE
Nové Mesto nad Váhom WWTP - the technological design of the mechanical-biological line intensification
64 800 PE
Vsetín WWTP - the technological design of the mechanical-biological line intensification
32 444 PE
The biological systems modification design and the technological calculations of selected WWTPs within the "Stření Pomoraví/Hodonínsko" project and the overall assessment of the main and the secondary aims of the "Střední Pomoraví/Hodonínsko" project (total
36 858 PE
Prague Central Wastewater Treatment Plant: measures for effluent concentration reduction. Technological calculations of biological part of activated sludge system for the so-called 0. phase of Complex reconstruction and intensification of Prague CWWTP at the Císařský Island
1 500 000 PE
Prague Central Wastewater Treatment Plant: Complex reconstruction and intensification. Technological calculation for new Prague CWWTP construction at the Císařský Island made for British consultant-engineering company Black and Veatch LtD.
2 200 000 PE
Olomouc WWTP: technological calculations of biological stage for effluent quality in compliance with the Government Regulation No 61/2003 Sb., for existing and expectant loading, within realization of project documentation.
260 000 PE
Plzeň WWTP: study and technological calculations of mechanical-biological stage modification for effluent quality in compliance with the Government Regulation No 61/2003 Sb., for existing and expectant loading
450 000 PE
Prague - Ruzyně Airport WWTP - WWTP SOUTH: technological calculations and assessment of technological line expansion and intensification
100 000 PE
Mladá Boleslav II - Podlázky WWTP: Evaluation of existing conditions and modification design for effluent quality in compliance with the Government Regulation NV č. 61/2003 Sb.
70 000 PE
Tachov WWTP and Stříbro WWTP: technological calculations of biological stage for effluent quality in compliance with the Government Regulation NV 61/2003 Sb.
15 500 PE
Technology assessment and intensification variants design of Mělník WWTP
24 000 PE
Železná Ruda WWTP: technological calculations of reconstruction and intensification
19 000 PE
Technology evaluation and intensification design of Chodov WWTP
18 000 PE
Technology evaluation and intensification design of Rakovník WWTP
18 000 PE
Technology evaluation and intensification design of Čelákovice WWTP
12 000 PE
Ústí nad Labem WWTP: supervision, consultancy, guidance and technological control in WWTP operation
180 000 PE
Technological design and mathematic simulation of solution variants for effluent concentration improvement in Prague Central WWTP
1 500 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Dolný Kubín WWTP, Slovakia
22 000 PE
Ústí nad Orlicí WWTP: technological calculations of biological stage for effluent quality conformable with Government Regulation NV 61/2003 Sb.
19 000 PE
Opava Sugery WWTP: technological design of biological secondary wastewater treatment for nitrogen elimination
12 500 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Ostrov WWTP
21 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Jilemnice WWTP
19 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Kladno-Vrapice WWTP
80 000 PE
22 000 PE
EC CRAFT project UVREC - Innovative multi-purpose thin-film UV-reactor. Project funded by the Commission of the European Communities under the fifth framework programme The research programmes of the European Union 1998 - 2002: Cooperative Research - CRAFT
Technological design and calculations for Žilina WWTP intensification, Slovakia
220 000 PE
Technological design and calculations for Zubří WWTP intensification
47 000 PE
Ústí nad Labem WWTP: supervision of start-up operation and technology optimizing design for incorporation of industrial wastewater from SPOLCHEMIE factory
180 000 PE
Technological design of Olomouc WWTP intensification for effluents limits according to the Government Regulation No 61/2003 Sb.
260 000 PE
Conceptual design of industrial wastewater treatment technology for Preciosa glass factory, supervision of pilot-scale plant experiments (capacity 1.300 m3·d-1)
Technological design of the water train at the tannery WWTP Igualada, Spain
150 000 PE
Supervision of start-up operation and the technology optimizing design of Mladá Boleslav II WWTP
70 000 PE
Technological design for intensification of Beverage Company Poděbradka WWTP
10 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Litoměřice WWTP
100 000 PE
Supervision of start-up operation and technology optimizing design of Vlašim WWTP
28 000 PE
Prognosis of raw wastewater quantity and quality development at Prague Central WWTP with lookout for 2020
1 500 000 PE
Supervision of start-up operation of WWTP Olomouc
260 000 PE
Assessment of intensification technological design of the factory SETUZA Ústí nad Labem WWTP
43 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Ústí nad Labem WWTP
180 000 PE
Intensification technological design for WWTP of Procházka, meat processing factory, Roudnice nad Labem
10 700 PE
Operation supervision of Vlašim WWTP
28 000 PE
Intensification technological design of Zbraslav WWTP
13 000 PE
Automation and control system design of Teplice WWTP
100 000 PE
Automation and control system design of Most WWTP
60 000 PE
Biological stage assessment and technology modification design of Broumov WWTP
25 000 PE
Reconstruction and intensification technological design, solving of flow scheme of hydraulic line, Staňkov WWTP
3 800 PE
WWTP "NORTH" of Prague - Ruzyně Airport: Verification of relative oxygen transfer influence by rain water contaminated by de-icing fluids, that are used for maintenance of airport areas
10 000 PE
Reconstruction and technological design intensification of Horní Slavkov WWTP
10 000 PE
Solving of hydraulic line flow scheme of Touškov WWTP
Reconstruction technological design of Planá WWTP
6 000 PE
Technological design of Bublava WWTP
2 000 PE
Assessment of technological design intensification of Horní Počernice-Čertousy WWTP
12 000 PE
Ústí nad Labem WWTP - assessment of relative influence of oxygen transfer at industrial wastewater from factory SPOLCHEMIE
180 000 PE
Assessment of technological design intensification of Koloděje WWTP
2 000 PE
Reconstruction technological design of Nová Rokle WWTP
5 000 PE
Current operation supervision of Beverage Company Poděbradka-Velké Zboží WWTP
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Čadca WWTP, Slovakia
30 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Vysoké Mýto WWTP
10 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Vsetín WWTP
26 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Vrchlabí WWTP
10 000 PE
Assessment of technological design intensification of Újezd nad Lesy WWTP
14 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Vlašim WWTP
28 000 PE
Evaluation of the third year of the Prague Central WWTP start-up operation
1 500 000 PE
Calculations of activation sludge process variants for Prague wastewater treatment
1 500 000 PE
Study "Design of monitoring, communication and control system of satelite WWTPs of the PVK company"
Design of monitoring, communication and control system of Kbely WWTP, Vinoř WWTP, Sedlec WWTP
Evaluation of Beverage Company Poděbradka WWTP start-up operation
5 000 PE
Evaluation of Lučební závody Kolín WWTP start-up operation
Supervision of Mníšek pod Brdy WWTP start-up operation
5 000 PE
Supervision of Benešov WWTP start-up operation
40 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Olomouc WWTP
400 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Havlíčkův Brod WWTP
80 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Jihlava WWTP
130 000 PE
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Uherské Hradiště WWTP
80 000 PE
Monitoring and interpretation of centrate influence on the Prague Central WWTP performance
1 500 000 PE
Consultancy in mathematic simulation of the Prague Central WWTP
1 500 000 PE
Elaboration of operation regulations for Úžice WWTP, Mníšek pod Brdy WWTP, Nebušice WWTP, Uhříněves WWTP, Lučební závody Kolín WWTP, Benešov WWTP
Technologic monitoring and consultancy in Dolní Chabry WWTP operation
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Vyškov WWTP
40 000 PE
Optimizing technological design for Teplice WWTP intensification
100 000 PE
Optimizing technological design for Most WWTP intensification
60 000 PE
Expertise of project documentation and technological design of Mladá Boleslav II WWTP intensification
70 000 PE
Expertise of project documentation and technological design of Benátky nad Jizerou WWTP intensification
11 000 PE
Supervision of the Prague Central WWTP start-up operation
1 500 000 PE
Elaboration of study "Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds elimination at Prague - Ruzyně Airport WWTP NORTH" including laboratory experiments
25 000 PE
Elaboration of study "Mladá Boleslav II - Podlázky WWTP, Calculation of WWTP biological part form the view of technological parameters. Measures design for improvement of activated sludge separate-ability and for elimination of biological foam formation in activated sludge tanks."
70 000 PE
Technology design and consultancy in project elaboration of Beverage Company Poděbradka - Velké Zboží WWTP
5 000 PE
Elaboration of study "Influence of sludge from Podolí drinking water treatment plant on Prague Central WWTP performance."
Optimizing design and technological calculations of Benešov WWTP intensification
40 000 PE
Ecological audit of water, waste and atmosphere part for AERO VODOCHODY AIRCRAFT Company
Consultancy in solution of wastewater disposal in RYOR cosmetics factory
Data processing and calculations of oxygen demand for Chodová Planá WWTP
Optimizing of wastewater disposal solution at Beverage Company VESETA
Supervision and evaluation of Úžice WWTP start-up operation
Technological and analytical monitoring of Kyšice WWTP within intensification solution
5 000 PE
Technological supervision and analytical monitoring of Sukorady WWTP
Operation supervision and monitoring interpretation of anaerobic-aerobic technological line of Mělník sugar-factory WWTP
100 000 PE
Supervision and evaluation of start-up operation of WWTP NORTH and WWTP SOUTH of Prague - Ruzyně Airport
25 000 PE
Optimizing of tannery Tonus WWTP operation, Jaroměř
Optimizing and monitoring design for sugary Mělník WWTP
100 000 PE
Engineering service for "Lučební závody Kolín" Chemical factory WWTP construction
Evaluation of start-up operation and technological monitoring of WWTP ALFA (Ministry of Agriculture, ABO service, PETRA - petrol station)
Supervision and evaluation of start-up operation of LINET Želevčice WWTP I and WWTP II
Supervision and evaluation of start-up operation of Dobrovice WWTP
4 000 PE
Solution design of wastewater treatment of Dobrovice Sugar Factory
Analytical monitoring of UNILEVER WWTP, UNILEVER ČR, s.r.o. Van den Bergh PTZ Nelahozeves
Turn key delivery of Dobrovice WWTP and sewer system
4 000 PE
Turn key delivery of Triola Textile Company WWTP, Horní Jiřetín
Engineering service for Třebenice WWTP construction (US technology)
Starting-up and evaluation of combined industrial and municipal WWTP, Nový Bydžov
Ecological audits within privatization projects including soil and ground water screening for 94 privatization units
Intensification of Teplice - Bystřany municipal WWTP
Investigation of petrol stations with respect of ground water and soil contamination for AGIP Czechoslovakia Company
Intensification of tannery WWTP, TANEX Company, Třebechovice pod Orebem (installation of submerged fixed film support - the first operational condition application in Czech Republic)
Pre-project preparation and technological design of tannery WWTP for biological nitrification and denitrification in TANEX companies Nový Bydžov, Litoměřice and Žalhostice (using own patent treatment technology)
Design and verification of ground water and soil decontamination technology in SUBLIMA Company Březnice area.
Technological verification of fine-bubble aeration systems produced by aconTechnic Company, Karviná, including operational applications in biological WWTP
Treatment design for industrial wastewater with heavy metals content in TANEX Žalhostice Company
Technological design for sulphide removal from tannery wastewater in TANEX Žalhostice and Nový Bydžov companies
Expertises of tender designed WWTPs for local and central authorities decision-taking
Scientific investigation for Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic within wastewater biological treatment (authorship certificates, technical paper and conference proceeding publications)
Expertises for AČE ČR (wastewater treatment expert association) - assessments, participation in selection committees of public tenders
Microscopic analysis of activated sludge from wastewater treatment plants including filamentous microorganisms identification, proposals of solutions against activated sludge filamentous bulking and foaming in WWTPs